Most common HTML tags


Text formatting

These are tags that are used for formatting the text.

Remember to enclose the text with a closing tag. Unsure? Read this article.

Click the tag to go to for more information.

Tag About the tag

Paragraph: Normal tag used for basic paragraph text
<b> Bold: Makes the text bold
<i> Italic: Makes the text italic
<u> Underline: Makes the text underlined
<h1> Heading 1: Makes the text big, uses the biggest setting for headings
<h2> Heading 2: Makes the text big, uses the second largest setting for headings
<h3> Heading 3: Makes the text big, uses the third largest setting for headings
<a> Anchor: A tag used for linking text or images to somewhere else.
<a> needs an attribute called href. This is used to set the link the anchor points to. Use target="_blank" to open in new tab.
Example: <a href="" target="_blank">Go to Webnode</a>
<ol> Ordered list: A tag used for making numbered lists.
<ol> can be used to create a numbered lists. Use <li> for each list item
Example: <ol><li><li/></ol>
<ul> Un ordered list: A tag used for making lists without numbers.
<ul> can be used to create a lists with bulletpoints. Use <li> for each list item
Example: <ul><li><li/></ul>

Content tags

These are other also important tags.

Remember to enclose the text with a closing tag. Unsure? Read this article.

Tag About the tag
<br> Break: A tag used for inserting linebreak on a page.
<br> is a self closing tag and just makes content jump down to the next line. Think of it as the enter button on the keyboard.
Example: I'm above! <br> I'm below!
<img> Image: A tag used for showing a picture on the website.
<img> needs an attribute called src. This is used to set the link of where the picture is located on the web.
Example: <img src="" />
<iframe> Inline frame: Display content from another website in a box.
<iframe> is often seen when embedding for example Youtube videos. It displays a portion of Youtube (the video)
Example: <iframe src=""></iframe>
<div> Division: This is a special tag used to create a box for other content.
<div> is a very widely and often used tag for creating blocks of content over multiple lines. You then style the div.
Example: <div>Here's some content</div>
<span> Span: This is another special tag used to create a box for other content.
<span> is a very widely and often used tag for creating blocks of in-line content. You then style the span.
Example: <h1>A <span style="color:red">partially red</span> heading</h1>
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